ColumnTransformer is one of the most useful data transforming tools for data science projects. Here we show a complete example of applying columnTransformer as the preprocessing tools, and then apply RandomForrest Regression models to predict share of voice (SOV) for online articles.
What do the instances that comprise the dataset represent?
Number of Attributes: 61 (58 predictive attributes, 2 non-predictive, 1 goal field)
Attribute Information: 0. url: URL of the article (non-predictive) 1. timedelta: Days between the article publication and the dataset acquisition (non-predictive) 2. n_tokens_title: Number of words in the title 3. n_tokens_content: Number of words in the content 4. n_unique_tokens: Rate of unique words in the content 5. n_non_stop_words: Rate of non-stop words in the content 6. n_non_stop_unique_tokens: Rate of unique non-stop words in the content 7. num_hrefs: Number of links 8. num_self_hrefs: Number of links to other articles published by Mashable 9. num_imgs: Number of images 10. num_videos: Number of videos 11. average_token_length: Average length of the words in the content 12. num_keywords: Number of keywords in the metadata 13. data_channel_is_lifestyle: Is data channel ‘Lifestyle’? 14. data_channel_is_entertainment: Is data channel ‘Entertainment’? 15. data_channel_is_bus: Is data channel ‘Business’? 16. data_channel_is_socmed: Is data channel ‘Social Media’? 17. data_channel_is_tech: Is data channel ‘Tech’? 18. data_channel_is_world: Is data channel ‘World’? 19. kw_min_min: Worst keyword (min. shares) 20. kw_max_min: Worst keyword (max. shares) 21. kw_avg_min: Worst keyword (avg. shares) 22. kw_min_max: Best keyword (min. shares) 23. kw_max_max: Best keyword (max. shares) 24. kw_avg_max: Best keyword (avg. shares) 25. kw_min_avg: Avg. keyword (min. shares) 26. kw_max_avg: Avg. keyword (max. shares) 27. kw_avg_avg: Avg. keyword (avg. shares) 28. self_reference_min_shares: Min. shares of referenced articles in Mashable 29. self_reference_max_shares: Max. shares of referenced articles in Mashable 30. self_reference_avg_sharess: Avg. shares of referenced articles in Mashable 31. weekday_is_monday: Was the article published on a Monday? 32. weekday_is_tuesday: Was the article published on a Tuesday? 33. weekday_is_wednesday: Was the article published on a Wednesday? 34. weekday_is_thursday: Was the article published on a Thursday? 35. weekday_is_friday: Was the article published on a Friday? 36. weekday_is_saturday: Was the article published on a Saturday? 37. weekday_is_sunday: Was the article published on a Sunday? 38. is_weekend: Was the article published on the weekend? 39. LDA_00: Closeness to LDA topic 0 40. LDA_01: Closeness to LDA topic 1 41. LDA_02: Closeness to LDA topic 2 42. LDA_03: Closeness to LDA topic 3 43. LDA_04: Closeness to LDA topic 4 44. global_subjectivity: Text subjectivity 45. global_sentiment_polarity: Text sentiment polarity 46. global_rate_positive_words: Rate of positive words in the content 47. global_rate_negative_words: Rate of negative words in the content 48. rate_positive_words: Rate of positive words among non-neutral tokens 49. rate_negative_words: Rate of negative words among non-neutral tokens 50. avg_positive_polarity: Avg. polarity of positive words 51. min_positive_polarity: Min. polarity of positive words 52. max_positive_polarity: Max. polarity of positive words 53. avg_negative_polarity: Avg. polarity of negative words 54. min_negative_polarity: Min. polarity of negative words 55. max_negative_polarity: Max. polarity of negative words 56. title_subjectivity: Title subjectivity 57. title_sentiment_polarity: Title polarity 58. abs_title_subjectivity: Absolute subjectivity level 59. abs_title_sentiment_polarity: Absolute polarity level 60. shares: Number of shares (target)
Additional Information
The articles were published by Mashable ( and their content as the rights to reproduce it belongs to them. Hence, this dataset does not share the original content but some statistics associated with it. The original content be publicly accessed and retrieved using the provided urls.
Acquisition date: January 8, 2015
The estimated relative performance values were estimated by the authors using a Random Forest classifier and a rolling windows as assessment method. See their article for more details on how the relative performance values were set.
load libraires
import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler from sklearn.preprocessing import KBinsDiscretizer from sklearn.inspection import permutation_importance from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
define transformers
# steps to handle numeric features numeric_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[ ('num_imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='mean')), ('scaler', StandardScaler()) ])
# steps to handel categorical features categorical_transformer = Pipeline(steps = [ ("cat_imputer", SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value = "missing")), ("encoder", OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore')) ])
# TFIDF vectorizer to handel the url only tfidfvectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_features = 100, stop_words='english')
# a customize transformer to be used in the ColumnTransformer # which takes a list of one or string features, and return the word counts for the list of features
classCounter(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): deffit(self, x, y=None): return self deftransform(self, _X): X = pd.DataFrame(_X) for col in X.columns: X[col]= X[col].apply(lambda x: len(x.split('-'))) return X counter = Counter()
# integrate a preprocessor to handel different types of features # notice in the transformer list of the ColumnTransformer,the parameter is 'url', a string type # while parameters for other transformers are list type preprocessor = ColumnTransformer( transformers=[ ('url', tfidfvectorizer, 'url'), ('num', numeric_transformer, numeric_features), ('count', counter, ['url']), #('cat', categorical_transformer, categorical_features) ])
# check the format of the training data after preprocessing steps # preprocessor.fit_transform(X_train)
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