Importing and Calling Class Functions in Python

Working with classes and functions in different files or folders is a common scenario in Python programming. In this blog, we will explore how to import and call class functions in two different cases: static/non-static functions. We will cover the steps required to import and use functions from a class defined in another folder. Let’s dive in!

Case 1: Calling a Static Function from a Class:

A static function belongs to the class itself and can be accessed without creating an instance of the class. Here’s how you can call a static function from a class defined in another folder:

Step 1: Ensure the containing folder is a Python module by adding an file if needed.

Step 2: Determine the absolute path of the module you want to import. Let’s say the folder is named “my_module” and the file inside it is “”. The absolute path would be my_module.my_class.

Step 3: In your Python script, import the desired static function from the class. For example:

from my_module.my_class import my_static_function

Step 4: Now, you can directly call the imported static function in your code:


Case 2: Calling a Non-Static Function from a Class:

A non-static function is associated with an instance of the class. To call such a function, we need to create an instance first. Follow these steps to import and use a non-static function from a class defined in another folder:

Step 1: Ensure the folder is a Python module by adding an file if required.

Step 2: Determine the absolute path of the module you want to import. Let’s say the folder is named “my_module” and the file inside it is “”. The absolute path would be my_module.my_class.

Step 3: In your Python script, import the class from the module:

from my_module.my_class import MyClass

Step 4: Create an instance of the class:

my_instance = MyClass()

Step 5: Now, you can call the non-static function using the instance created:



In this blog post, we discussed how to import and call class functions in Python from a class defined in another folder. For static functions, you can directly import and call them without creating an instance. However, for non-static functions, the class needs to be instantiated first. By following these steps, you can effectively work with class functions across multiple files or directories in your Python projects.

Author: robot learner
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