Difference between Static method and Class method in Python

In Python, both staticmethod and classmethod are ways to define methods that are tied to a class and not to an instance of the class. However, there are important differences between the two:

First Argument:

Class Method: It takes a reference to the class (cls) as its first parameter. This allows you to call class-level attributes and other class methods or even to instantiate the class. You would generally use cls as the convention for this parameter.
Static Method: It doesn’t take any specific first parameter. It behaves just like a regular function but belongs to the class’s namespace.


Class Method: Defined using the @classmethod decorator.
Static Method: Defined using the @staticmethod decorator.


Class Method: Useful when you need to have methods that operate on class-level attributes or when you want to be able to override methods in subclasses.
Static Method: Useful when you want to perform an action in a class’s context but don’t need to access or modify the class or its instances.


Class Method: Can be overridden by subclasses, which allows for polymorphism. The method defined in the subclass will receive the subclass as its cls parameter, not the base class.
Static Method: Cannot be easily overridden for polymorphism. It behaves the same way no matter what subclass you might be working with.


Both static methods and class methods can be called on the class itself, rather than on instances of the class.

Here’s a quick example to illustrate:

class MyClass:

class_var = "Class variable"

def class_method(cls):
return f"Called from the class method of {cls}. Accessed: {cls.class_var}"

def static_method(arg):
return f"Called from the static method with argument: {arg}"

# Usage
print(MyClass.class_method()) # Outputs: Called from the class method of <class '__main__.MyClass'>. Accessed: Class variable
print(MyClass.static_method(5)) # Outputs: Called from the static method with argument: 5

In conclusion:

Use classmethod when you need to interact with class-level attributes or want to be polymorphic with subclasses.
Use staticmethod when you just want to place a method inside a class for organizational reasons, and the method neither needs to access instance-specific data nor class-level data.

Author: robot learner
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