How to migrate from circleCI to github actions

Migrating from CircleCI to GitHub Actions involves moving your CI/CD workflow definitions and making sure all the secrets, environment variables, and specific configurations are set up correctly in the new environment. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you migrate:

1. Review Your Current Configuration:

  • Before starting, understand the CircleCI configuration by checking the .circleci/config.yml in your project.
  • Make a note of all the steps, environment variables, jobs, workflows, and any custom logic/scripts that are involved.

2. Set Up Your GitHub Repository:

  • If your repository isn’t already on GitHub, push it there.
  • Ensure you have appropriate permissions to set up Actions and Secrets for the repository.

3. Define the GitHub Actions Workflow:

  • Create a directory .github/workflows in your repository if it doesn’t exist.
    Now, for each job/workflow you have in CircleCI, create a new .yml file inside this directory.

4. Translating CircleCI Configuration to GitHub Actions:

  • Workflow & Jobs:
    • Translate your CircleCI workflows and jobs into GitHub Actions jobs.
    • Unlike CircleCI, GitHub Actions doesn’t differentiate between workflows and jobs in the same strict manner. Essentially, every .yml file can be a workflow on its own.
  • Steps:
    • Translate CircleCI steps into GitHub Actions steps.
    • There’s a rich marketplace of actions provided by GitHub and the community. For example, to checkout code, you can use: actions/checkout@v2.
  • Docker:
    • If you’re using a Docker executor in CircleCI, you can use a container job in GitHub Actions.
  • Caching:
    • Translate caching in CircleCI to actions/cache in GitHub Actions.

5. Environment Variables & Secrets:

  • In CircleCI, you might have used context or project settings for secrets and environment variables.

  • In GitHub Actions, move these to ‘Secrets’. You can set them under Your Repo > Settings > Secrets.

  • In the workflow file, use $ to access the secret.

    6. Integrate with AWS and Terraform:

  • If you’re using AWS CLI or SDK in your workflow, configure AWS credentials using aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1.

  • For Terraform, you might want to look into the hashicorp/setup-terraform action.

  • Ensure all environment-specific variables for Terraform are properly configured.

7. Testing the Workflow:

  • Once you’ve translated the configuration, push a commit or use a pull request to trigger the GitHub Actions workflows. Monitor the execution and fix any issues or errors that arise.
  • Iteratively improve the workflow until it matches the reliability and functionality of your CircleCI configuration.

8. Optimizations and Advanced Features:

  • Explore matrix builds if you had parallel workflows in CircleCI.

  • Implement build artifacts, test reports, etc. as needed.

    9. Update Documentation & Notify Team:

  • Since CI/CD can be critical for team workflows, ensure all team members are informed about the migration and any changes they need to be aware of.

  • Update any project documentation or guidelines to reflect the move to GitHub Actions.

    10. Monitoring & Notifications:

  • Ensure you have proper notifications set up, so team members are alerted of build failures or other critical issues.

  • Monitor the workflows for a while to ensure they’re running as expected.

Author: robot learner
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