hyperparameter tuning using Optuna with RandomForestClassifier Example (Python code) hyperparameter tuning using Optuna with RandomForestClassifier Example (Python code)
For some popular machine learning algorithms, how to set the hyper parameters could affect machine learning algorithm pe
How to insert images in DataBricks notebook How to insert images in DataBricks notebook
Following steps show how to upload images to databricks filestore, and insert that path in the notebook cell. upload the
How to plot mulitiple subplots of barplots using seaborn How to plot mulitiple subplots of barplots using seaborn
Sometimes we want to plot multiple barplots in subplots, this examples shows a nice way to do it. load sample dataimport
Good use of regular expression, remove spaces between punctuation and words, normalize texts automatically Good use of regular expression, remove spaces between punctuation and words, normalize texts automatically
Regular expression (shortened as regex) is very powerful way to improve efficiency and change formats for us.Here are ex
Ten important Python libraries that Data Scientist must know Ten important Python libraries that Data Scientist must know
Good libraries are like useful toolbox, and learning these libraries can make you more productive, whether you’re a novi
Convert arbitrary date to the date of  Monday or Sundy within the same week in Python Convert arbitrary date to the date of Monday or Sundy within the same week in Python
It is common practice to convert date to the week number for normalization or feature preprocessing. While this is prett
A transformer example to maintain same feature order and add missing features back for feature engineering A transformer example to maintain same feature order and add missing features back for feature engineering
For data science projects, one important steps in feature engineering is to make sure the order of feature columns durin
Data Prep and Visualization Example using matplotlib in Python Data Prep and Visualization Example using matplotlib in Python
Some simple ways to make histogram or line plots using matplotlib. # Install the pydataset package. This package gives u
Add ssh key to access github and simple git commands Add ssh key to access github and simple git commands
Here are ways to add ssh key in Github, such that one can connect to github repositories without typing username and pas
overlay histogram distributions using seaborn or matplotlib overlay histogram distributions using seaborn or matplotlib
In this example, we show two methods to overlay histogram distributions using seaborn and matplotlib separately. import
robust method to parse time string to datetime using dateutil parser robust method to parse time string to datetime using dateutil parser
Convert time strings into datetime format coudd be very tedious, because we need to make sure the every new datafollow t
dataframe histogram visualization with seaborn using countplot dataframe histogram visualization with seaborn using countplot
We often need to plot histograms to visualize distributions of certain features or variables.How to quickly obtain a use
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