How to auto run python jobs using crontab How to auto run python jobs using crontab
In ubuntu Linux,many times we need to run certain tasks regularly, such as every 10 minutes, at 2 o’clock in the morning
How to serve the Flask app with nginx as the reverse proxy How to serve the Flask app with nginx as the reverse proxy
We are going to build a simple and smooth process using the following steps: if you don’t have uwsgi installed, try th
Set up Flask app to implement GET and POST API Set up Flask app to implement GET and POST API
Flask app is one of the easiest ways to setup APIs on the server side for data engineering and data science purpose.Here
Data Prep and Visualization Example using matplotlib in Python Data Prep and Visualization Example using matplotlib in Python
Some simple ways to make histogram or line plots using matplotlib. # Install the pydataset package. This package gives u
Add ssh key to access github and simple git commands Add ssh key to access github and simple git commands
Here are ways to add ssh key in Github, such that one can connect to github repositories without typing username and pas
overlay histogram distributions using seaborn or matplotlib overlay histogram distributions using seaborn or matplotlib
In this example, we show two methods to overlay histogram distributions using seaborn and matplotlib separately. import
robust method to parse time string to datetime using dateutil parser robust method to parse time string to datetime using dateutil parser
Convert time strings into datetime format coudd be very tedious, because we need to make sure the every new datafollow t
dataframe histogram visualization with seaborn using countplot dataframe histogram visualization with seaborn using countplot
We often need to plot histograms to visualize distributions of certain features or variables.How to quickly obtain a use
multi line plot with seaborn multi line plot with seaborn
In this example, we show to do multi-plot graph using seaborn.In addtion, some of the ways to change fonts sizes are als
rare event encoding for categorical feature in machine learning in pandas dataframe rare event encoding for categorical feature in machine learning in pandas dataframe
If categorical features has too many values, it will generate too many features after encoding, such as one-hot encoding
handles feature order in training and online production stage to avoid inconsistent error handles feature order in training and online production stage to avoid inconsistent error
In applying machine learning models in production stage, like lightGBM model or any models.While we all know the order o
some handy functions to group continous variables and missing value imputation in dataframe some handy functions to group continous variables and missing value imputation in dataframe
Following example shows how to group age variable into groups,and some simple missing value imputaiton proecdures. There
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